bridge gantry crane

bridge gantry crane


Bridge crane in horizontal plane in workshop

Bridge crane in horizontal plane in workshop, warehouse, etc, is hanging objects of machinery and equipment, also referred to as the "road" or "crane". Bridge crane is widely used in industrial and mining enterprises, port, wharf, construction site, warehouse, station, bridge gantry crane development, space navigation and so on all walks of life, in the process of our modernization construction plays a huge role. Tin metallurgical industry crane is the main equipment, production plant transport material metallurgy bridge crane has to adapt to bad working environment and high load operation efficiency is high, the level of work, study of bridge crane has a overhead gantry crane significance to the development of metallurgical industry. Profile bridge crane bridge crane is one of the main types of crane, because of its running at high altitude, scope of operation that sweeps across the whole factory area, almost got rapid development. Bridge crane accounted for about 90% of the number of indoor crane, hoisting machinery is the so-called "largest production batch, the material consumption of the product. The classification of the bridge crane in order to adapt to different work situations, bridge crane appeared a variety of types. Currently, depending on the bridge crane structure form, it can be divided into electric single beam cranes, electric hoist bridge crane, gm bridge crane and other types.

