bridge gantry crane

bridge gantry crane


General requirements for the design of crane hook

Crane hook is the main component, once corrupted very easily lead to serious injury or death. Therefore, we must strengthen the professional manufacturer of hook and general manufacturing enterprise with a hook in the hook and safety supervision and inspection work.  eot crane  hook design generally requires the following 10 points:

One should consider the use of environmental requirements.

2, should meet the strength, plasticity and toughness, fatigue resistance and shock functional requirements.

3, to meet the requirements of design and technology.

4, forging hook fiber orientation, should seek to comply with a hook shape distribution. Forged hook should be performed after heat treatment.

5-piece hook rolling direction of the laminations and fiber orientation, should strive to be consistent direction of the pressure must be eliminated using cutting heat-affected zone formation.

6-piece body and suspension hook and plywood does not allow access.

7, the use of forged or rolled materials can not meet the performance requirements or difficult to manufacture,hoist gantry crane the use of a casting manufacturing, must demonstrate its use or through practical experience confirms it applies only when permitted.

8, the surface and inside the hook should not be sufficient to impair its usability shortcomings.

9, manufacturing materials and purchased parts hook should have manufacturing units certificate and other technical documents, or should be tested to identify performance qualified before use.

10, after the inspection of the hook, the manufacturer shall make an appropriate position in the hook is not easy to be worn marks, and issue certification. Tag should include at least the rated weight,hoist crane production number, date of manufacture, manufacturing units, the original opening degree hook other items.

