Machinery industry depends not only on the level of product technology, high technical level of equipment will not necessarily apply to a variety of fields,
hoist gantry crane from the perspective of the development, the full description of the development of equipment for the industry is the most Okay, so the crane enterprises should pay attention to market analysis, research and more to meet the market demand, to achieve rapid development of enterprises.
Electric hoist
gantry crane operating environment do not belong to their range, but the safe operation of the crane has a direct relationship, it is also a safety inspection of the crane when the essential element. To view its inspection a crane operating range without power lines (especially the high voltage lines), with the crane in operation should maintain adequate safe distance. Otherwise, it should take appropriate measures to restrict the scope of the operation of the crane.
Second, we must check the surrounding buildings, temporary facilities, such as whether interfere with normal operation of the
hoist crane boom, counterweight and other parts will collide, especially in the electric hoist gantry crane rails extending or fixed cranes increased displacement time, particular attention should be checked. The crane should also check whether there is enough leg position, whether the underground voids and ground bearing capacity size. Detailed examination of the crane rail, rail block, anti-collision devices at both ends of the track, as well as gnawing rail track temperature and gap.
hoist gantry crane undercarriage inspection checks walking round the main tread, all open gears, couplings, transmission foundation bolt hole and walking axles and other parts, such as walking wheel tread surface hardness of poor quality; may check see massive stripped every thing open gears , couplings shall be equipped with protective cover; transmission if loose foundation bolts should be tightened; keep walking axle hole open.
Overhead crane is Hengjia in workshops, warehouses and empty field for material lifting material lifting equipment. Because of its ends located in the tall concrete pillars or metal bracket, shaped like a bridge. Overhead crane overhead bridge along the laying of tracks on both sides longitudinally running, you can take advantage of the space under the bridge lifting material from ground equipment obstacles. It is the most widely used, the largest number of a lifting machinery.
bridge gantry crane
