bridge gantry crane

bridge gantry crane


Hoist gear apparatus described in detail

     Underside of the  hoist crane  reducer assembly reference is also used to reduce the speed reducer electric hoist, power transmission, increasing the torque transmission components independently.

      After the gear unit housing casting, mechanical processing, the greater the internal stress, and therefore a period of time may be deformed. Then joints not reach the original accuracy requirements, which occurred in leakage. Commonly used method of grinding and scraping for repairs:
      1, the first oil release, remove all the parts, joints with flat scraper to remove dirt and rust layer on
      2, and then cleaned with kerosene, joints coated in a thin layer of red lead oil grinding.
      3, each individual grinding again scraped off the highs and glitches, so that after 2-3 times, the general will meet accuracy requirements.
      Joints with the axis of the hole should be in the same plane, otherwise it will affect the accuracy of the  hoist gantry crane  gear reducer. Requires its flatness of 0.02mm. With a dial indicator bore, if the deviation is too large and should not be based on the original repair joints can be the first plane to about 2mm Zaigua grind joints achieve precision machining and re-bore up drawings.
      Bottom of the hoist gear is the assembly reference, the reference is the joining surface of the processing, it requires its flatness 0.15-1.0mm, should be parallel to the bottom face gear joints, the joint surface is not parallel to the bottom surface and the degree of tolerance of 1000mmm is not greater than 0.5mm, joints roughness of not less than 1.6.

