Lifting equipment performance parameters
Hoisting machinery basic working ability is theoverhead gantry crane performance parameters of weight and level of work. (1) the weight is under prescribed conditions allow the biggest weight lifting, namely rated lifting weight. Generally with magnetic chuck (see lifting sucker) or grab crane, the lifting weight should also include magnetic chuck or the weight of the grab bucket. Boom type crane lifting weight includes the weight of the hook set. (2) the work level is reflect the performance parameters of hoisting machinery general work situation, is to design and choose the important basis of hoisting machinery. It is composed of hoisting machinery bridge gantry crane to be completed within the required during the use of the work cycle of the total number and load condition to decide. The international organization for standardization (ISO) could be divided into 8 hoisting machinery work level. China will only crane is divided into 8, small light lifting equipment, elevator, overhead monorail system has not yet been classified. The operational procedures for strong regularity, repeatability large hoisting machinery, such as dock cranes, loading and unloading ships goods warehouse stacker crane and elevator for blast furnace feeding hopper, the cycle time is also an important parameter. Work cycle refers to complete a working cycle time, it depends on the working speed of the institutions, and related to the transportation distance. The crane is also sometimes use productivity as the important parameters, usually expressed complete crane capacity per hour.