bridge gantry crane

bridge gantry crane


The composition of steel wire rope electric hoist

Part of the wire rope electric hoist are: motor, overhead gantry crane mechanism, drum and sprocket. In the motor and the drum position different can be roughly divided into four types.
(1). Currently has no manufacturer production product of this structure
(2) electric hoist motor axis parallel to the roll axis, its advantage for the height and the length of the small size. Its shortcomings for the width size is big, grouping, manufacturing and assembling complex. Track turning radius is big.
In the inside of the drum (3) motor electric hoist, the advantage for the length of the small size, compact structure. Its main shortcoming for motor cooling condition is poor, poor grouping and inconvenience, bridge gantry crane, installation, maintenance, motor power supply device is complicated.
(4) the motor installed on the outside of the drum of the hoist, the advantage for group sex good, high degree of generalization, easy change hoisting height, easy installation and maintenance. The downside is: the length size.

