bridge gantry crane is developed on the basis of, in the port, yard and some other outdoor places mainly used cargo handling. Gantry crane is generally metal structure, there are two tracks on the ground, the crane's foot can be moved in the above, it has operating range, versatility and utilization, higher characteristic, so widely used.
1 gantry crane selection
Under normal circumstances, from the weight of 50t or less, in the span of less than 35m, no special requirements, should use a single main beam. If you require a large gate leg width, high working speed, or frequently lifting heavy pieces, grew up pieces, you should choose double girder
gantry crane.
(1) the length of the span and cantilever
Span gantry crane crane itself is affecting the quality of the important factors. Selection, to meet the conditions of use and equipment conform span series of standards under the premise of the span should be minimized.
(2) to determine the principles of Tread
Gantry crane to meet along the track direction stability requirements; cargo dimensions to be able to pass the legs flat steel frame.
(3) Pitch size determination
At work, gantry
hoist crane and yard external dimensions of goods and transport vehicles between channels should leave some space dimensions, in order to facilitate loading and unloading operations. General transport vehicles in the span of loading and unloading, should be kept above the door legs with 0.7m spacing. Spreader should not work with the transport vehicles with more than 0.5m spacing, cargo interlude legs, there should be more than 0.5m spacing.
2 gantry crane maintenance and repair
(1) Lubrication
Crane bodies depends largely on the performance and life of lubrication. Lubrication, maintenance of mechanical and electrical products, see their manual lubrication, running carts, trucks and other lifting beam injection once a week should grease. Fill hoist industrial gear oil, the oil level should be checked regularly replenish.
(2) wire rope
It should be noted Wire Ropes situation. If broken wires, broken shares or amount of wear to be scrapped, should be replaced with new ropes.
(3) spreader
Spreader must be checked regularly.
(4) pulley
Mainly the rope groove wear, rim without cracking and pulleys on the shaft without stuck phenomenon.
(5) wheels
Rim and the tread regularly checked, when worn or cracked rim portion reaches 10% thickness should be replaced with new wheels. When the tread surface of the two driving wheel diameter difference of more than D/600, or tread face serious injuries should be re-car light.
(6) Brakes
Should be checked once per shift. Brake action should be accurate, pin must not have stuck phenomenon. Should be properly fitting shoe brake wheel, loose brake shoe when the gap should be equal.