Lifting machinery, there are some dangerous parts, should this we need to know these parts, and make the corresponding flag, so we use the bridge gantry crane to be able to pay particular attention to avoid danger. It specifically, what does? Consider the following analysis and elaboration.
Lifting dangerous parts of the flags are: yellow and black stripes spaced logo, red and white stripes spaced signs, red flags, red lights logo and word mark.
For these flags, the requirements are:
(A) signs should be clear, complete, correct, and to be able to maintain long-lasting time, signs of color should meet the specified requirements.
(2) The width of stripe mark 50 to 100mm, each color on the sign of not less than two, if it is inclined, then the horizontal angle should be 45 degrees.
(3) spaced with yellow and black stripes flag, overhead gantry crane flag if reducing the effectiveness of the background color will then allow spaced with red and white stripes flag replaced.
(4) Using a text logo, the text portion of the font should be used bold, black font color should be used, and the background color should use yellow.
(5) If a lifting road, rail and water use, but also to comply with the national requirements related marks.
A Dangerous methods of marking parts
(1) For the hook pulley side, extract unit, lifting beams, legs extended, cowcatcher, as well as mobile cab walkway and ladder guard rails at the interface for these parts, you should use yellow and black stripes symbol spaced.
(2) basic boom mobile overhead bridge cranes on both sides, should have a "boom next strictly prohibited," the word mark.
(3) turn tail on both sides should have a "job within a radius of safety" in the text logo.
(2) Safety Management
(A) lifting machinery manufacturing unit should be marked manufactured products, the use of unit should be marked using lifting.
(2) dangerous parts of the flag should be checked regularly maintained in the event of faded or damaged should be repaired or replaced, you can not be sloppy.
Overhead crane is Hengjia in workshops, warehouses and empty field for material lifting material lifting equipment. Because of its ends located in the tall concrete pillars or metal bracket, shaped like a bridge. Overhead crane overhead bridge along the laying of tracks on both sides longitudinally running, you can take advantage of the space under the bridge lifting material from ground equipment obstacles. It is the most widely used, the largest number of a lifting machinery.
bridge gantry crane
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