For cranes, as already described several types, including gantry cranes, bridge cranes, etc., we have known for a lot of these cranes, so today Xiaobian to introduce another crane, jib crane is so we learn more about the crane species, making their knowledge more widely.
Jib crane is lifting in recent years, the emergence of a small equipment, it has been widely used in various industries in different places, so the application is also very extensive.
1 Features
Jib crane has a unique structure, safe and reliable operation, high efficiency, energy saving, rotating flexible and time-saving features.
2 Structure
By columnjib crane, slewing drives, electric hoist, etc., it is hollow cantilever steel structure, lifting volume.
3 safety rules
(1) can not use the crane to transport personnel, are not allowed to be lifted above the load in terms of personnel, but also allowed the oblique or towing loads and overload use.
(2) normal operations, lifting hook can not collide limit switches. Carry the load, you can not pull the flashlight door.
(3) the use of fasteners on thebridge crane after 6 months, should be checked once, if loose should be tightened.
4 Maintenance
(A) shall arrange equipment maintenance time, assigning the maintenance plan, the key parts are:
(2) bolt connections, including anchor bolts, with a stopper on the end cap bolts, bolts and spiral arms on the drive unit bolts.
(3) Check the wear parts, including car wheels, rollers, cantilever support, etc., such as badly worn and should be replaced, and to periodically add oil for lubrication.
(4) electric hoist inspection and maintenance, the requirements should be required, and specify personnel.