bridge gantry crane

bridge gantry crane


Large crane erection Technical Guidelines for Safety instructionseot crane

     Universal gantry  eot crane   because they belong to large equipment, so installation should be done by erecting a qualified professional with the installation department is responsible for. Erection of the installation process, to observe the following safety technology rules:
      1) Universal gantry crane erected before the commanding officers of all personnel should participate in erecting details lifting method, lifting step, command signal, precautions and individual responsibility should be borne by the members.
      2) Crane Erection area, without adequate lighting equipment is prohibited at night erection work.
      3) prohibits any person together with the  gantry crane  hoisting, nor along the rope or pulley drop.
      4) In the erection area, to ensure that persons charged shall not touch bare.
      5) Universal gantry crane lifting the erection process is prohibited under the crane to stay in or pass. With the erection unrelated persons are not allowed to enter the set area.
      6) To prepare the blackout prevention efforts and ensure effective lifting braking system.
      7) In order to check whether the work is completely normal erection, should be first crane lifting 100 to 200 mm from the ground, stay for some time, carefully inspect all lifting equipment and lifting tools have all the right places, is firmly tied, cranes whether the center of gravity right so that only parts of correct recognition only after the formal erection of work to do.
      8) Universal gantry  bridge crane  installed under the crossbar when the first put to the track, and then the legs and lower beams fixed cable connection and with the wind, and then lifting the leg of the main beams, integrally connected with bolts finally lifting trolley. For the main beam length greater than 35m, you need to be bolted into the ground then lifting the whole.

