bridge gantry crane

bridge gantry crane


Hydraulic automatic gantry crane lifting beam installation steps

1) place a smooth lifting beam, overhead bridge crane solid, to prevent the dumping;
2) Check the lifting beam according to the drawing geometry, with particular attention lug Boatswain center distance, the shaft hole center distance and roof, as well as the relationship with the gate lug;
3) Check the lift shaft cleaning, cylinder, hydraulic equipment, tanks, piping;
4) Check the motor,overhead gantry crane solenoid valves, cable insulation;
5) hydraulic device tightness test shall conform to the drawings and specifications, seal test pressure of 1.2 times the working pressure used, generally about 7.2Kg/cm, kept 36 hours without leakage;
6) start the pump, check the axle pin retractable flexible movement without resistance, leakage, stroke limiter, change to correct;
7) after passing the test,gantry crane lift lifting beam with automatic gate test with, check the relevant dimensions shall comply with requirements of the drawings.

